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Welcome to

Purpose Driven Entrepreneur!

Hi there! Welcome to the Purpose Driven Entrepreneur blog!!

I'm Melody, and over the last year, I’ve spent countless hours learning and mastering the skills necessary to build a:

Purpose Driven Online Business from scratch!

I’ve spent over $16,000 on 10+ courses so that YOU DON’T HAVE TO!

I created this blog to equip you with the resources that I've found to be most valuable in creating a Purpose Driven Career with the hope of saving you tons of time, money, and frustration by showing you the most efficient and cost effective path to:

A) finding YOUR Purpose in life, that's step 1, and then, if you're interested...

B) starting your own online business - without spending even close to what I did (it’s just NOT necessary - that’s my biggest lesson learned!).

You see, my super power is that I am an efficiency expert and I excel at creating systems and processes that make other people’s lives easier. It’s one of the skills that made me successful in my corporate career, so naturally I have applied that skill to THIS new career because I can’t turn it off - it’s just how I’m wired!

My hope is that after reading these articles you'll be able to easily compare this path to other options you might be considering, and to show you how to get started for as little upfront investment as possible.

The one thing I can’t do is guarantee that the contents of this blog will yield specific results for you. I imagine that you are smart enough to know that only YOU can guarantee your results - but isn’t that better than your boss??? Just sayin’...

So before we get into the details, I want to thank you for visiting my website. Your time is the most precious thing you have and I’ve done my best to try to make this a worthwhile use of it.

You don't have to look far to find people who aren’t happy with their life, but not many are willing to do something about it. You are! Which is awesome!

Here’s to your future, whatever it may bring!

Melody Lacey | Purpose Driven Entrepreneur Blog